“Looks Like I Picked the Wrong Week To Stop …” (Lloyd Bridges, Airplane)

Smoking. Drinking. Amphetamines. Sniffing Glue.  If you know the movie, you know the scene. Suffice it to say, he’s had a rough week.


Me? Sniffing glue?? Naw, it’s been a FULL week. Changes, challenges and emotions galore, but I’m ever impressed by the kindness and tenacity of others, and the lessons that come out of the hard days.

Here are just a few of the pieces of advice, suggestions & thoughts I received during this less than pleasant week:

 Don’t Let Temporary Emotions Make Permanent Decisions.  Love this all the time

And it’s companion: Don’t Trust Your Tongue When Your Heart is Bitter.  Easier said than done, my friends(See last week’s post about SWEARING!)

Jasmine and I have a thing about butterflies.  It comes mainly from my friend Jana Stanfield’s song, BUTTERFLY.  This week I had butterflies showing up in random places. I had to say out loud “Okay, I see you. I get it.”

“Sitting alone on a hillside, confused about what to do
My choices where all complicated, it was time to think things through
Spotted a striped caterpillar, stretching her face to the sky
Dragging her cumbersome body an inch at a time
I was feeling the pain of slow progress, when a friend of hers fluttered by
I leaned close as the caterpillar spoke with a voice as soft as a sigh
She said…

Butterfly, please tell me again it’s gonna be alright
I can feel a change is coming
I can feel it in my skin
I can feel myself outgrowing
This life I’ve been living in
And I’m afraid, afraid of change
Butterfly, please tell me again I’m gonna be alright

I’m like my friend caterpillar, afraid of that dark cocoon
Wanting to hide in the tall grass, when change is coming soon
But all of the things we long for, are borne on the wings of change
And losses can lead us to blessings that we can’t explain
Butterflies remind us, there’s magic in every life
And we can become what we dream of, if fat, furry worms can fly!”

Listen here:   https://yhoo.it/2Ndem0R

And from my friend, Gunnar,  a new Mantra:

“When a changing wind blows, the weak build walls and hide while go getters go build windmills.”

Finally, the ever important reminder, from one of my husband’s favorite Go To’s:
“If We All Put Our Problems in the Middle of the Table, and Had to Pick One Out – We’d Pick Our Own Every Time.”  In other words, think about others who have it SO.MUCH.WORSE.

Yesterday we buried my uncle (my family reunion game & competition partner!) after his long, hard fight, and I got a call looking for help at the hospital for the sexual assault volunteer work that I do.  Sigh. SUCKS. SUCKS. SUCKS.

my partner


I’m tired. A little battered and bruised. But me and my windmills and butterflies are all good. I bet you are, too.

You Heard the Lady,


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